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Delivery receipts

When you make a successful request to the SMS API, it returns a json object. Ideally it will have a status of pending, indicating success. But this does not mean that your message has reached your recipients. It only means that your message has been successfully queued for sending.


In most situations, a DLR is a reliable indicator that a message was delivered. However, it is not an absolute guarantee.

Understanding the delivery receipt

This is a typical DLR:

"api_key": "bnfOlpuC",
"to": "8801798110912",
"from": "8809612436844",
"message_id": "5600008304BA3YNX",
"price": "0.19",
"status": "delivered"

The most important field is status as this tell you whether your message was delivered and, if not, what went wrong.

DLR status messages

The status field in the DLR tells you if your SMS was delivered successfully. Possible values are:

acceptedMessage has been accepted for delivery, but has not yet been delivered
pendingMessage is being sent
deliveredMessage has been delivered
expiredMessage was held at downstream carrier's retry scheme and could not be delivered within the expiry time
undeliveredMessage not delivered
failedMessage not delivered
rejectedDownstream carrier refuses to deliver message
unknownNo useful information available